
Hang the Promise Breakers

Hang the Promise Breakers

Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners.~Edward Abbey, Prophet I am becoming increasingly disenfranchised with politics in the United States which means I, having grown up during the […]

America Needs Subversives

America Needs Subversives

Poetry by its very nature is subversive, Martín knows. It turns words inside out, confounds meaning, changes black and white to ambiguous shades of grey. Never trust a Poet.~Cristina García If poetry is, by its very nature, subversive, what are the implications for the poet out of whose soul poetic words are bled onto subway […]

Fear of Fear

Fear of Fear

All anger is a mask for fear to wear.~B.B. Griffith One would think enough people would or could learn from history the devastating effects of anger on societies and individuals, that individuals would have evolved toward a more beneficent society with a corresponding increase in world peace. Sadly, it seems the opposite has become the […]

What Happened to Integrity?

What Happened to Integrity?

A writer is like a gypsy. He owes no allegiance to any government. If he is a good writer he will never like the government he lives under. His hand should be against it and its hand will always be against him.~Ernest Hemingway Before Ronnie, Just Say No, Reagan left office he deregulated the NEWS […]

White Does Not Make Right

White Does Not Make Right

The Bible was written entirely by the greatest American who ever lived: Jesus~Twitter Tweet I would like to think the tweet was sarcasm or written by a Twitter Troll…but I’m not so sure. To hear the legions thumping their holy book tell it, Jesús had flowing, cornsilk blond hair, eyes as blue as a noon […]

Without a Nation

Without a Nation

Nationalism does nothing but teach you to hate people you never met and to take pride in accomplishments you had no part in.~Doug Stanhope America is in crisis. This is one of the few sentiments agreed upon by both sides of the political divide at the center of the crisis. People are so entrenched in […]

Conformity is Brainwashing

Conformity is Brainwashing

It is not necessary for Eagles to be Crows.~Tatanka Iyotake (Sitting Bull) The advertising industry spends millions, probably billions, convincing people they are not good enough, not special enough, not white or brown enough, not tall enough, not smart enough, not beautiful enough in an attempt to instill self-doubt and leverage insecurities, twisting minds so […]

Feeding Nasty Dogs

Feeding Nasty Dogs

Inside me are two dogs. One is mean and evil and the other is good and they fight each other all the time. When asked which one wins, I answer, the one I feed the most.~Sitting Bull (Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake) Having been mentally assaulted by the US political shenanigans, particularly the past two presidential elections, my […]

Breaking Thru Fake Realities

Breaking Thru Fake Realities

Crazy Horse dreamed and went into the world where there is nothing but the spirits of all things. That is the real world that is behind this one, and everything we see here is something like a shadow from that one.~Black Elk There is a belief in polite Western society that one can only see […]

Revolution is Inevitable

Revolution is Inevitable

As the sun shifts, one loose shadow, like thought, takes on a sharp edge.~Gretel Ehrlich One year ago, a shadow was cast o’er the land when a fork-tongued, wannabe, Dick-Tater, loosed the razor edge of hooliganism in an unprecedented attack on the symbolic bastion of Western democracy. I call it symbolic not as hyperbole but […]

tRump is the Reason for the Treason

tRump is the Reason for the Treason

If the philosophy of Christianity were lived, wars would cease, unhappiness would cease, economic problems would be solved, poverty would be wiped from the face of the earth, and man’s inhumanity to man would be transmuted into a spirit of mutual helpfulness.~Ernest Holmes Nothing grieves my soul more painfully than encountering human inhumanity to humans […]

Make Love, Not War

Make Love, Not War

The only thing more terrifying than blindness is being the only one who can see.~José Saramago There is seeing with the eyes, marvelous orbs collecting and focusing light enabling humanity to exist in a collective hallucination where we believe all perceive colors with identical emotions forgetting those with color blindness who perceive colors in an […]

The Agony of Knowledge

The Agony of Knowledge

Laws are framed by those who happen to be in power and for the purpose of keeping them in power. That goes for the USA as well as for Russia or any other country in the world.~Mary Crow Dog I finished listening to the book, Lakota Woman by Mary Crow Dog this past weekend. The […]

Crazy or Alternate Reality?

Crazy or Alternate Reality?

I am not crazy; my reality is just different than yours.~Lewis Carroll It has become habit, a bad habit at that, to label anyone not in lockstep with the collective hallucination we call reality as crazy then to demonize the individual as a source of evil or a pariah set to destroy the proper way […]

A Head Fucking

A Head Fucking

LSD is a psychedelic drug which occasionally causes psychotic behavior in people who have not taken it.~Timothy Leary Few things divided the 60s into establishment versus counter-establishment than the use of substances for psycho recreational purposes, especially those with psychotropic characteristics. One topic even more polarizing was the US participation in the Vietnam war but […]

Innocence Lost

Innocence Lost

I can’t take part in nothing where I’d help the shooting of dark Asiatic people, who haven’t lynched me, deprived me of my freedom, justice, and equality, or assassinated my leaders.~Muhammad Ali Too, too, too many tears. I bawled like a baby last night, bawled over the tragic death of a 19 year old man […]

No Faith Left To Lose

No Faith Left To Lose

You can kill ten of my men for every one I kill of yours. But even at those odds, you will lose and I will win.~Ho Chi Minh, 1946 Every time I read or watch anything related to the Vietnam war, I get either agitated or cry, frequently both (and I find myself compelled to […]

Masterful Manipulation

Masterful Manipulation

When it comes to lying, what one must consider is not the plausibility of the fib but the greed, fear, and stupidity of the receiver.~Carlos Ruiz Zafón I’ve always thought the best way to sell a lie is to wrap it in a veneer of truth or around a grain of easily verifiable reality, that […]

Where Are You From?

Where Are You From?

I do my best to experience the world holistically, giving the sum of the parts more emphasis than individual entities while still respecting each and every part…

Surfaces are More Important than Souls

Surfaces are More Important than Souls

How would Anubis weigh you? Are you lighter than a feather? ~David Olson Through extensive field research, I have come to believe people have sold their souls to the rhetoric of tRump because they are mirror whores fixated on the superficial regardless of the damage inflicted on their own soul, their own country, and every […]

Dark Deliberations

I am not as OK as I pretend to be...

Vova Zinger's Photoblog

The world around through my camera's lens

Melissa LaFontaine The Blog

spirituality / art / ethics

Experience the World with Travel Inn Tour

Travel Blog, Interesting Travel Articles


tapping the creative 'right' side of my brain


"self discovery"

Diary of a Gen-X Traveler

Traveling to experience places not just visit them!

Earth's Bloodstains

The land of our ancestors is stolen away from us ...

Grownup Navajo

Native American culture & teachings through a modern lens


Keeping the faith of fanatics who feel fired up for anything motorcycles. It’s all about the journey and the philosophy of riding on two wheels. Let’s bring alive the truly unique culture of motorcycling and never let the ride leave the fibers of our being.

austin vivid photography

heather schramm-lifestyle photographer

John Wreford Photographer

Words and Pictures from the Middle East

Yip Abides

because life does not kill you right away

Passport Overused

Showing the beauty of this world through the people, places and culture

Lluís Bussé

Barcelona's Multiverse | Art | Culture | Science


I read, rant and write ;)

Top 10 of Anything and Everything

Animals, Travel, Casinos, Sports, Gift Ideas, Mental Health and So Much More!


Conceptual spaces: politics, philosophy, art, literature, religion, cultural history

1 Rule || Simplicity

Maximising the amount of work NOT done!