
Sanctity of Life

Sanctity of Life

Those who have forgotten say trees are not sentient beings, but they do not understand poetry. Nor can they hear the singing of trees when they are fed by rain and music or hear their cries of anguish when they are broken and bereft~Joy Harjo It is beyond my ken that anyone would deny trees […]

Born an Old Soul?

Born an Old Soul?

We all feel younger than our real age because the spirit never ages.~Isabel Allende Most of us have met a person, typically young, who we describe as having an old soul. It’s a phrase used to describe someone who possesses qualities or characteristics or has a perspective deemed to be mature beyond their physical years. […]

Universal Inclusivity

Universal Inclusivity

The world is my country, all mankind is my brethren, and to do good is my religion.~Thomas Paine I was sitting at a dinner table immediately following a, thankfully, secular wedding when the conversation turned toward politics. I forget the actual prompting, but I responded that I am an American by accident of birth and […]

Chasing Alternate Realities

Chasing Alternate Realities

I find myself slowly but surely divesting of human encumbrances, letting them fall away as leaves depart the ancient, broad leaf tree come autumn and the shortening days. I think it is my soul prepping my mind for the long rest, the perpetual sleep. Like many of my profound thoughts, this one manifested in my […]

Words Are Sacred

Words Are Sacred

When words were first shaped into sacred bundles and placed on altars of earth and stone we made prayers of thanksgiving.~N. Scott Momaday There are few, if any, elementally sacred existences in this world than words with their ability to communicate complexities irrespective of the languages made audible by speach or visible with scratched marks. […]

Seeing The Sacred

Seeing The Sacred

See first, think later, then test. But always see first. Otherwise, you will only see what you are expecting. ~Douglas Adams We typically see what we expect to see. It is this very reason the delusional tRumpers see a messiah where most of the world sees an antichrist incarnate, if not that drastic then a […]

The Litmus Test of Religion

The Litmus Test of Religion

The whole purpose of religion is to facilitate love and compassion,patience, tolerance, humility, forgiveness. ~HH Dalai Lama My litmus for the veracity of religion is to touch a human and see it it the litmus paper is colored love, hate, or indifference. Indifference might as well be hate for they are both violence against the […]

Self Loving

Self Loving

If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another.~Gautama Buddha How do people who feel insecure balance the books in their favor? By hoarding power, lauding said power over their ‘enemies’ and using it as a weapon to secure their fragile view of reality. By attacking anyone who dares to accomplish anything especially if […]

Fishhooks in my Brain

Fishhooks in my Brain

I had already shuffled out of the train into the stale, dank, piss smelling underworld, grabbed a couple of plain Dunkins while navigating the tunnel system. Sadly, they no longer have the dunking handles that were the brand mainstay. I breached the surface to feel the breeze blowing fresh off the monster lake straight swimming down Washington street as dawn was cresting. I bought a large Early Grey, one teabag please, and two hardboiled eggs to quell my hunger. The shelled eggs were perfectly smooth, baby ass velvety…

The Next Messiah

The Next Messiah

Human history is punctuated with new faith systems rising from a catalyzing individual exploding onto the scene then settling into long, sustained religious dogma where it takes on a life of its own with little correlation to the precepts espoused by the founder…

Long Cold Shadows

Long Cold Shadows

Being deeply loved by someone gives strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage. ~Lao Tzu At what point does the courage derived from being “In Love” cross the bridge and become an obsession, the needs of the self slaying the person desired?

No Bleeding Heart

No Bleeding Heart

I write to you and my tears are the ink. ~Jaume Cabré I was riding my bicycle on LSD, that’s the Lake Shore Drive trail, not the mind-expanding chemical though I do wonder at the mind-enhancing experience of riding LSD on LSD. Although, my mind does seem to elevate to higher planes during long rides […]

Value of a Kiss

Value of a Kiss

I, no longer young, Know what a kiss is worth. ~Mary Oliver What is a kiss worth? Ten bucks paid to a junkie prostitute with rotting teeth jonesing for a fix more accustomed to sucking and fucking than the intimacy of lip-smacking? Sixty thousand dollars when wrapped around the illusion of love perpetrated by a […]

A Flower Thrown Into The Air Does Not Stay There

A Flower Thrown Into The Air Does Not Stay There

America was conquered, but not discovered, the men who arrived with a religion to impose and dreams of gold never really knew where they were, and that this discovery is still taking place. ~Eduardo Galeano The above quote made little sense to me until I saw the concept in terms of a relationship with a […]

Superficial Human Connections

Superficial Human Connections

I can’t wrap my mind around people caring that much about me. ~America Ferrera I don’t feel lovable. It has been that way for as long as I can remember. I would prefer to think it is because others lack the fortitude to love a person as complicated as the twisted canyons one must navigate […]

A Hungry Heart

A Hungry Heart

She looked pained in her sleep. Was the pain inflicted by a bad dream or fear, upon waking, the nightmare would begin? ~David Olson Her lungs heave and hollow in long, rhythmical waves, cresting, falling in equal measure but for different rates. The tide rises and falls at the behest of the moon seeking to […]

Rubbing Raw Nerves

Rubbing Raw Nerves

How much strength does it take to climb atop the world and not give a damn? ~Remi Kanazi I have been climbing the mountain for 58 years and still the summit is beyond my ability to grasp intellectually, emotionally, physically, spiritually. Or, it may be that I have blindly crested the summit and am in […]

Betraying The Christ

Betraying The Christ

The war his country asked of him convinced him war has no heroes. Only the dead. The cost of violence is always more violence. ~Glen Sorestad I am sick to death of the older generation, the vast majority that never set foot in the military, calling for war. It’s an easy call, a hypocritical call […]

Dry as the Sahara

Dry as the Sahara

I can chase you, and I can catch you, but there is nothing I can do to make you mine. ~Morrissey I have been grasping since the moment I was born for the breast holding life’s milk, suckling with all my strength for a few drops of the salty elixir sustaining essence. It is a […]

I Am Not Afraid

I Am Not Afraid

Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me. No hope, no harm, just another false alarm. ~Morrissey I have a reoccurring nightmare that I am a lovable being, that someone finds me acceptable no matter the circumstances, that I am chosen until death do part, that I am fully known and still the other smiles […]

Dark Deliberations

I am not as OK as I pretend to be...

Vova Zinger's Photoblog

The world around through my camera's lens

Melissa LaFontaine The Blog

spirituality / art / ethics

Experience the World with Travel Inn Tour

Travel Blog, Interesting Travel Articles


tapping the creative 'right' side of my brain


"self discovery"

Diary of a Gen-X Traveler

Traveling to experience places not just visit them!

Earth's Bloodstains

The land of our ancestors is stolen away from us ...

Grownup Navajo

Native American culture & teachings through a modern lens


Keeping the faith of fanatics who feel fired up for anything motorcycles. It’s all about the journey and the philosophy of riding on two wheels. Let’s bring alive the truly unique culture of motorcycling and never let the ride leave the fibers of our being.

austin vivid photography

heather schramm-lifestyle photographer

John Wreford Photographer

Words and Pictures from the Middle East

Yip Abides

because life does not kill you right away

Passport Overused

Showing the beauty of this world through the people, places and culture

Lluís Bussé

Barcelona's Multiverse | Art | Culture | Science


I read, rant and write ;)

Top 10 of Anything and Everything

Animals, Travel, Casinos, Sports, Gift Ideas, Mental Health and So Much More!


Conceptual spaces: politics, philosophy, art, literature, religion, cultural history

1 Rule || Simplicity

Maximising the amount of work NOT done!