Tag Archive | Nostalgia

Conservatism is Cowardice

Conservatism is Cowardice

Nostalgia is an act of cowardice. ~Mario Vargas Llosa I enjoyed my time in High School especially the four seasons playing soccer, the years I invested studying Engineering in college despite the three to four hours commuting each day, reflect with a smile on many of the long-gone years before today. I also realize those […]

Forging Ahead

Forging Ahead

Nostalgia is cowardice. ~Mario Vargas Llosa It is easier to dwell on the familiar past than address the unknown future. There are few mysteries with the past, the remembrance of problems filed smooth by time until they all but disappear and the past is a sanitized fantasy of rainbows and unicorns, a nostalgia bearing little […]

Nostalgia Is A Shit Stained Blanket

Nostalgia Is A Shit Stained Blanket

Selling people nostalgic fantasies about the past instead of real visions for the future. ~Yuval Harari Nostalgia is a warm blanket warding off the chilly reality of an unknown future, a worn pair of shoes broken in perfectly formed to the foot, a sunny Spring day with budding flowers, singing birds, and big billowy clouds drifting […]

Dark Deliberations

I am not as OK as I pretend to be...

Vova Zinger's Photoblog

The world around through my camera's lens

Melissa LaFontaine The Blog

spirituality / art / ethics

Experience the World with Travel Inn Tour

Travel Blog, Interesting Travel Articles


tapping the creative 'right' side of my brain


"self discovery"

Diary of a Gen-X Traveler

Traveling to experience places not just visit them!

Earth's Bloodstains

The land of our ancestors is stolen away from us ...

Grownup Navajo

Native American culture & teachings through a modern lens


Keeping the faith of fanatics who feel fired up for anything motorcycles. It’s all about the journey and the philosophy of riding on two wheels. Let’s bring alive the truly unique culture of motorcycling and never let the ride leave the fibers of our being.

austin vivid photography

heather schramm-lifestyle photographer

John Wreford Photographer

Words and Pictures from the Middle East

Yip Abides

because life does not kill you right away

Passport Overused

Showing the beauty of this world through the people, places and culture

Lluís Bussé

Barcelona's Multiverse | Art | Culture | Science


I read, rant and write ;)

Top 10 of Anything and Everything

Animals, Travel, Casinos, Sports, Gift Ideas, Mental Health and So Much More!


Conceptual spaces: politics, philosophy, art, literature, religion, cultural history

1 Rule || Simplicity

Maximising the amount of work NOT done!